Buddhist Studies Reading Group: Introductions to Buddhism II

When and Where

Thursday, April 03, 2025 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Zoom / JHB 208
Jackman Humanities Building
170 St George Street, Toronto ON M5R 2M8


Join the second instalment of the last academic year's reading group dedicated to monograph-length introductions to Buddhism hosted by U of T's Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Studies.


The reading group looks at “introductions to Buddhism” proper and “histories of Buddhism” conceived of as introductions, that cover the main articulations of Buddhism through the ages and across the globe. The discussions aim at historicizing past and present introductory literature in the light of the current state of the field and of the participants’ own research. They also aim at assessing the potential of the existing introductory literature in view of the participants own experiences with participating in or designing and teaching introductory courses as part of current Buddhist Studies curricula. On occasion, we will be joined by colleagues in Buddhist Studies who may have an especially close relation with the book at hand to share with us their reading experiences and background knowledge about work and author.

The reading group will meet in a hybrid format (in person and online) at the DSR every three to four weeks for two hours between September 2024 and April 2025. → View schedule

In-person: Refreshments will be provided.

Zoom: Please contact Christoph Emmrich for the details christoph.emmrich@utoronto.ca


The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Studies,Department for the Study of Religion


170 St George Street, Toronto ON M5R 2M8
