What is an Independent Study Course?
The Department for the Study of Religion encourages its students to pursue Independent Studies Courses (ISCs). These courses are available to Religion specialists and majors who would like to complete individualized research projects supervised by a DSR faculty member. Students will normally have taken one or more previous courses with the instructor they wish to work with. ISCs are intended to provide advanced students with an opportunity to engage in highly specialized research topics that are not covered in the regular courses. The student and supervisor construct an individualized syllabus with readings, assignments, and a marking scheme for successful completion of the course.
How do I pursue an Independent Study Course?
Students must propose a specific project to an individual faculty member. Once the student has obtained the faculty member's written approval of the project and agreement to supervise the student's project, the student and supervisor should fill in the form below and send it to the Undergraduate Administrator (religion.undergrad@utoronto.ca). After receiving approval from the Associate Chair, Undergraduate, the student will be enrolled in the course by the Department. Students cannot enrol themselves in Independent Study Courses on ACORN. Please keep your own copies of any documentation.
The application form is available here.
What course codes do I use for my Independent Study Course?
Students can choose to do their Independent Study Courses under the following course codes:
For 0.5 credit to be completed in one semester:
- RLG491H1
- RLG492H1
- RLG493H1
For 1.0 credit to be completed over an entire academic year:
- RLG490Y1
- RLG494Y1
Please note that we do not encourage these longer courses unless there are special reasons to have a longer course.
I have a question about Independent Study Courses that is not answered on this page, who can I ask?
Please feel free to contact the Undergraduate Adminstrator (religion.undergrad@utoronto.ca) and/or the Associate Chair (s.raman@utoronto.ca). We are happy to help answer any questions you may have and assist you in determining whether an Independent Study Course is right for you!