Dissertations by our graduates are available through Theses Canada and the University of Toronto library system. Most PhD Dissertations and Master’s theses completed since 2008 are also available on T-Space.
Graduate Name & Thesis Defence Date | Thesis Title & Supervisor | Post-Graduation Employment (where known, most recent first) |
James Shire (December 2024) |
From Beatific Sanctuary to Besieged Stronghold: Syriac Monastic Conflicts and Early Islam Supervisor: Kyle Smith |
Sukshmadarshi Maharaj (November 2024) |
The Harivaṃśa and its Kṛṣṇa Supervisor: Ajay Rao |
Amber Moore (August 2024) |
Maṇiśailamahāvadāna: The Legend of Ugratārā Vajrayoginī on Jewel Stone Mountain Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich |
Research Assistant and Sessional Lecturer in the Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto |
Saliha Chattoo (August 2024) |
Theatres of Commitment: Youth, Performance and the Making of Publics in an American Pentecostal Megachurch Supervisor: Simon Coleman |
Emily Pascoe (August 2024) |
The Anonymous God: Critical Psychoanalytic Inquiries into Social Domination Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Candidate at the Canadian Institute for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy |
Nicholas Field (July 2024) |
Halfway between Peking and Western Europe”: Imperial Knowledge Creation and the Geography of Buddhism in Sir Aurel Stein’s Last Major Maps of China Supervisor: Frances Garrett |
Data Support Specialist, Map and Data Library (St. George Campus), University of Toronto Libraries |
Nabeel Jafri (July 2024) |
Orating Knowledge: Urdu Shiʿi Khiṭābat in Contemporary Karachi Supervisor: Karen G. Ruffle |
SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
Liwen Liu (May 2024) |
Justifying Violence: Ritual and Doctrine of Sacrificial Killing in Medieval Hindu Traditions Supervisor: Srilata Raman |
Postdoctoral Fellow, jointly with School of Oriental and African Studies and University of Cambridge |
Andrea Wollein (May 2024) |
Inhabiting the Past, Building the Future: Spatializing History at a Newar Buddhist Monastery Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich |
Filip Andjelkovic (May 2024) |
Data Dreams: Algorithmic Realism at the End of the Future Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto |
Danielle Baillargeon (April 2024) |
From Pietas and Pity to Purification: The Transformation of the Meaning of Mourning in Late Antiquity Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Contract Faculty Mount Royal University |
Anna Cwikla (April 2024) |
Placeholders, Lessons, and Emasculators: The Literary Function of Women in Early Christian Texts Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Sara Hamed (December 2023) |
Making Tradition Possible in Canada: Islamic Organizations and the Problem of Commitment Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier |
Project Manager of the "Advancing Culturally Competent Legal Services for Muslim Communities in Ontario" project at the Muslim Legal Support Centre (MLSC) (was Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto Institute for Islamic Studies) |
Eric Farr (October 2023) |
Public Schooling and the Spirit of Secularism: The Secular Dynamics of Education Reform in Canada's 1960s Supervisor: Simon Coleman |
Research Associate, Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (New York) |
Michelle Christian (July 2023) |
Enslaved to mammon: Money, economy, and enslavement in ancient Christianity Supervisor: Andreas Bendlin |
Tamara Cohen (April 2023) |
Yoga in the Mokṣopāya Supervisors: Srilata Raman and Jurgen Hanneder |
Ludo and Rosane Rocher Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Virginia |
Kunga Sherab (April 2023) |
Incarnation on the Roof of the World: A History of Practices to Identify Trülku (sprul sku) in Tibetan Buddhism Supervisor: Frances Garrett |
Buddhist chaplain in four major prisons in southwestern Ontario, Canada. |
Roxanne Korpan (February 2023) |
Scriptural Relations: The Anishinaabemowin Bible Translations of Kahkewaquonaby (Reverend Peter Jones) and Visions of Christian Co-Existence in Upper Canada, 1828-1856 Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Archipel Research and Consulting (historical researcher, writer and educator) |
Anthony Scott (January 2023) |
The Politics of Commentary: The Mingun Jetavana Sayadaw’s Milindapañhā-aṭṭhakathā in Mid-twentieth-century Burma Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich |
Japan Foundation-Global Japan Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo (was Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto) |
Kyle Derkson (December 2022) |
Canada’s Hot Little Prophet?: Walt Whitman, Richard Bucke, Psychiatry, and Metaphysical Religions in Nineteenth-Century Ontario Co-supervisors: Ken Derry and Jennifer Harris |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of History, University of Calgary |
Vincent Calabrese (December 2022) |
Michael Wyschogrod and Jewish Existentialism Supervisor: David Novak |
Rabbinical student in the Advanced Kollel the Hadar Institute |
Rachelle Saruya (November 2022) |
Towards the Noble Royal Flower: Myanmar Buddhist Nuns’ Educational Practices and Rituals in Training Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich |
Early Career Research Fellowship from the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies |
Annie Heckman (November 2022) |
Reassembling Discipline: Bu ston Rin chen grub’s Collection of Incidents Involving Nuns from the Vinaya (ʼDul ba dge slong maʼi gleng ʼbum) Co-supervisors: Amanda Goodman and Shayne Clarke |
Associate Translator for 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha |
Amin Mansouri (August 2022) |
Azīz-i Nasafī (fl. 7th/13th c.), Hierarchies, and Islamic Cosmopolitanism Supervisor: Shafique Virani |
Assistant Professor of Islamic History, Central Washington University |
Ariel Peckel (August 2022) |
Irreligious Naturalism in Hume, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein Supervisor: James DiCenso |
Academic Consultant BeMo Academic Consulting (was Postdoctoral Fellow, Department for the Study of Religion/Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto) |
Suzanne van Geuns (August 2022) |
Seductive Methods: Sexual Success in the Computational Imagination Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Culture, Society, and Religion, Princeton University |
Brigidda Bell (August 2022) |
Signs of the Spirit(s): Credibility and the Discernment of Truth in Christian Prophets and other Ritual Experts of the Roman Empire Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Assistant Professor of New Testament, Moravian Seminary |
Kalpesh Bhatt (August 2022) |
The Internal Turn: Rethinking Autonomy through the Swaminarayan Hindu Tradition Supervisor: Srilata Raman |
Assistant Professor in Asian Religions at the University of Mary Washington |
Judith Ellen Brunton (June 2022) |
Pandemonium of Hope: Oil, Aspiration, and the Good Life in Alberta Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Rice University, (was Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University Weatherhead Center, Canada Program) |
Zoe Anthony (January 2022) |
Suffering Time: Nietzsche and the Generativity of Suffering Supervisor: James DiCenso |
Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, University of Tampa (was Sessional Instructor, University of Toronto) |
Adil Mawani (December 2021) |
Devotion in Colonial Islam: Representations of Muḥammad in Urdu Sīra (1842 –1914) Co-supervisors: Walid Saleh and Ayesha Irani |
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, (was Lecturer, Religious Studies, Southern Methodist University)
Maria Dasios (December 2021) |
Compound Natures, Cognate Medicines: Material Media and Christian Soul-Direction in Late Antique Anatolia Supervisor: Kyle Smith |
Operations Manager for ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (was Postdoctoral Fellow, FLIP Project, University of Toronto Mississauga) |
Khalidah Ali (December 2021) |
The Early Muslim Brotherhood: Tarbiyah as the Foundation of Hasan al-Banna’s Project of Islamic Revival and Reform Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier |
Lecturer at University of Toronto (UTM) |
Usmon Boron (November 2021) |
In the Shadow of Tradition: Soviet Secularism, Islamic Revival, and Skepticism in Kyrgyzstan Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier |
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Pennsylvania (was Postdoctoral fellow at UC-Berkeley) |
Jonathan Peterson (November 2021) |
Polemics and Power in Early Modern South Asia,1550-1700 Supervisor: Ajay Rao |
Assistant Professor, MESAAS, Columbia University |
Alexander O'Neill (November 2021) |
Pustaka Pūjā: A Study of Sūtra Worship in Mahāyāna Buddhism |
Tenure-Track lecturer at Musashino University in Tokyo starting April 2024 (was Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at SOAS) |
Delbar Khakzad (November 2021) |
Iranian Calendric Modernity |
Research Scholar at Department of Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies at NYU (was Postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University) |
Patrick Stange (November 2021) |
Partakers in Paideia: Representations of Literacy in the Epigraphy of Christians in Central Asia Minor |
Researcher with MotivBase |
Nika Kuchuk (September 2021) |
Genealogies of Transnational Religion: Translation, Revelation, and Discursive Technologies in Two Female Gurus of Esoteric Vedanta |
Joud Al Korani (August 2021) |
Dubai Detours: Being Muslim after the Islamic Revival and Arab Spring |
Assistant Professor, Department of Islam Studies at Radboud University, Netherlands. January-June 2022, a postdoctoral fellowship at the Orient-Institut in Beirut |
David Belfon (August 2021) |
Jewish Geographies: Spatial Narratives of Orthodox Jewish Leavetakers in Toronto |
Freelance Research Analyst |
Andrew Erlich (August 2021) |
Contextualizing Medicine and its Roles in Seventeenth-Century Tibet |
Sean Capener (July 2021) |
The Time That Belongs to God: The Christian Prohibition on Usury in the 12th-13th Centuries and the Making of the Subject of Debt |
Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto, Mississauga (was Postdoctoral Researcher, Dartmouth College) |
Joel Richmond (June 2021) |
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology: From Self-Control to Self-Surrender |
Assistant Professor, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia (was Instructor, Religious Studies, Toronto Metropolitan University) |
Brian Carwana |
Evangelicals, the Liberal State, and Canada’s Family Values Debates: The Struggle to Shape Selves |
Executive Director of Encounter World Religions https://religionsgeek.com |
Meaghan Weatherdon (October 2020) |
The Rise of Nishiyuu: Walking the Land for Self-Determination |
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at the University of San Diego |
Sara Abdel-Latif |
Gendering Asceticism in Medieval Sufism |
Assistant Professor, McGill University |
Rony Kozman |
Adam's Wisdom and Israel's Law: Natural Law in Early Judaism |
Assistant Professor, Department of Biblical and Religious Studies, Samford University, Birmingham Alabama |
Elizabeth Klaiber-Noble |
Book-Burning and the Banning of Books and Authors in England, 1526–1558: A Sixteenth-Century Fire-Library |
Gregory Fewster (December 2019) |
Forgers and Critics of the corpus Paulinum: Manuscripts and Critical Scholarship from Ancient Alexandria to the Republic of Letters and Beyond |
Postdoctoral Fellow in History of Religions, Norwegian School of Theology |
Nathan Bonney (December 2019) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
A Figure of Rhetoric: Holiness, Hyperbole, and Embodied Subjectivity in the Later Writings of Emmanuel Levinas |
More than a Roof Housing Society |
Ian Brown (November 2019) Christianity |
The Pepaideumenoi and Jesus: Ancient Education and Marginal Intellectuals in Paul’s Corinth and the Gospel of Thomas Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Religious Studies, University of Regina |
Ashoor Yousif (November 2019) | Allah’s Caliph and Christ’s Apostle: The Early Abbasid Rulers in Syriac and Syro-Arabic Sources Co-supervisors: Amir Harrak and Kyle Smith |
Associate Professor of Christian History and Director of the MTS Modular Program at Tyndale University |
Andrew Tebbutt (November 2019) | The Divinity of Conscience: Forgiveness, Religion, and the Politics of Secularity in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit Supervisor: James DiCenso |
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Trinity Christian College (formerly:Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics at the Institute for Christian Studies) |
Sean Hillman (August 2019) South Asian Studies; Religion and Medicine; Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
Religion, Medicine, Bioethics, and the Law in End-of-Life Care: South Asian Religious Adherent Perspectives Supervisor: Frances Garrett |
Clinical Ethicist , Unity Health Toronto |
Janina Sochaczewski (August 2019) Religion, Ethics, Modern Thought |
Sacred Trauma: Religion, Trauma Transmission, and the Attribution of Meaning in the Age of Totalitarianism Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Instructor, Bishop's University, Quebec |
Marisa Franz (August 2019) Religion, Culture, Politics |
A Gathering of Names: On the Categories and Collections of Siberian Shamanic Materials in Late Imperial Russian Museum, 1880-1910 Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Museum Studies at New York University |
Cole Sadler (June 2019) | The Aesthetic Versus Aesthetics: Emmanuel Levinas’ Critique of Mediation Supervisor: David Novak |
Tzemah Yoreh (June 2019) Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity |
A Compositional History of Ben Sira in the Context of the Transmission of Instruction Literature in the Ancient Mediterranean Supervisors: John Kloppenborg and Judith Newman |
Leader of the City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism in New York |
Christopher Cornthwaite (May 2019) Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity |
A Goddess in the Caravans and a Saviour in the Hulls: Worship and Migration in Athens, Delos, and Corinth Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Founder of Roostervane and co-founder of Think House. |
Nigel Fernando (Jan 2019) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
Thomas Hobbes: The Kingdom of Darkness and the Critique of the Catholic Tradition Supervisor: James DiCenso |
Faculty at Brescia University College |
Catherine Lemieux (Nov 2018) Anthropology |
Mastering the Body: From Experience to Discourse. Shamanic Healing in Urban Canada Supervisors: Kevin O'Neill and Gilles Bibeau |
Bilingual Communications, RBC Royal Bank Of Canada (was French Science Editor and Translator, Ontario Science Centre) |
Rami Tanous (Sept 2018) Ancient Christianity and Early Islam |
Negotiating the Nativity in Late Antiquity: The Qur’ān’s Rereading of Mary’s Preparation for the Conception of Jesus Co-supervisors: Amir Harrak and Kyle Smith |
Visiting Scholar, Haifa University |
Jessica Radin (July 2018) Judaism and Islam |
Excavating the Imagination: The Arabic Afterlife of Aristotle's Phantasia Supervisor: Kenneth Green |
Adjunct Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University |
Greg Beiles (June 2018) Judaism |
The Parent-Child Relationship as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning in Rosenzweig and Levinas Supervisors: David Novak and Robert Gibbs |
Head of School and Principal, The Toronto Heschel School; Director, The Lola Stein Institute |
Shaftolu Gulamadov (April 2018) Islam |
The Hagiography of Nasir-i Khusraw and the Ismailis of Badakhshan Supervisor: Shafique Virani |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Iranian Studies, University of Toronto |
Arun Brahmbhatt (March 2018) South Asian Studies |
Scholastic Publics: Sanskrit Textual Practices in Gujarat, 1800-Present Supervisor: Ajay Rao |
Assistant Professor of Religion with a focus on Hindu Studies, Syracuse University |
Luiz Felipe Ribeiro (September 2018) Ancient Christianity and Judaism |
"The Wearisome Spectacle of Immortal Sin": an Affect History of the Libidinisation of Desire in Mediterranean Antiquity Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Research Fellow, Ancient Studies Department, Stellenbosch University |
Justin Stein (September 2017) Religion and Medicine |
Hawayo Takata and the Circulatory Development of Reiki in the Twentieth-Century North Pacific Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Chair, Asian Studies, Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
Aldea Mulhern (September 2017) Islam |
Fit for Food: "Eating Jewishly" and the "Islamic Paradigm" as Emergent Religious Foodways in Toronto Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Assistant Professor, Brandon University (was Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Fresno State) |
Jairan Gahan (September 2017) Islam |
Red-Light Tehran: Prostitution, Intimately Public Islam, and the Rule of the Sovereign, 1910-1980 Supervisor: Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi |
Innovation Strategist @ FSi Strategy (was Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta) |
T. Paul York (September 2017) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
Kant's Philosophy of Religion and Climate Change Supervisor: James DiCenso |
Dianna Roberts-Zauderer (August 2017) Jewish Studies |
'The Motive for Metaphor': Metaphor and Imagination in Moses ibn Ezra, Judah Halevi, Moses Maimonides and Shem Tov ibn Falaquera Supervisor: Jill Ross |
Youcef Soufi (April 2017) Islam |
Pious Critique: Abū Isḥāq al-Shīrāzī and the 11th Century Practice of Juristic Disputation (Munāẓara) Supervisor: Anver Emon |
Researcher in Islamophobia with the Institute for the Humanities and the Centre for Human Rights, University of Manitoba (was Research Fellow for the Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Toronto) |
Mourad Laabdi (April 2017) Islam |
The Other Averroes: Revealed Law and the Craft of Disagreement Supervisor: Walid Saleh |
Assistant Professor, College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Qatar University (was Instructor, Religion, Carleton University) |
Jennifer Bright (January 2017) Buddhist Studies |
Women and Hormones in Tibetan Medical Literature Supervisor: Frances Garrett |
Inaugural Wutai Shan Venerable Dayi Professor in Buddhist Spiritual Care at Victoria University's Emmanuel College (was Assistant Professor, Buddhist Spiritual Care and Counselling, Emmanuel College) |
Sayeh Meisami (December 2016) Islam |
A Critical Analysis of Shīʿī Epistemology in Relation to Political Authority in the Works of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ḥamīd al-Dīn Kirmānī Supervisor: Shafique Virani |
Professor, Philosophy, University of Dayton |
Ian Richards (October 2016) Hinduism and South Asian Religions |
Poles Apart: Anti-Conversion Legislation in Post Independence India Supervisor: Arti Dhand |
Instructor, Religious Studies, King's University College, University of Western Ontario |
Yaniv Feller (September 2016) Jewish Studies |
Dialogical Apologetics: Leo Baeck and the Task of Jewish Philosophy Supervisor: David Novak |
Faculty Member, University of Florida (formerly: Assistant Professor, Jewish Studies and Religion, Wesleyan University) |
Tenzan Eaghll (August 2016) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
Jean-Luc Nancy and the Deconstruction of Christianity Supervisor: John Paul Ricco |
Institute of Science Innovation and Culture, RMUTK (was Lecturer, College of Religions Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand) |
Eric Steinschneider (June 2016) Hinduism and South Asian Religions |
Beyond the Warring Sects: Universalism, Dissent, and Canon in Tamil Śaivism, ca. 1675-1994 Supervisor: Srilata Raman |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, Ithaca College |
Rebecca Bartel (June 2016) Religion, Culture, and Politics |
Card Carrying Christians: Credit, Debt, and Believing in Emerging Colombia Supervisor: Kevin O'Neill |
Associate Professor in Religious Studies, San Diego State University |
Bonnie de Bruijn (April 2016) Religion, Ethics, and Modern thought |
Julia Kristeva’s ‘Culture of Revolt’ and (Post) Modern Religious Subjectivity Supervisor: James DiCenso |
Tutor (Instructor), Quest University Canada (formerly: Writer, Gripped Publishing) |
Nathalie LaCoste (March 2016) Judaism |
Waters of the Exodus: Jewish Experiences with Water in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt Supervisor: Judith Newman |
ORU Research Manager, York University (was Coordinator at the Centre for Indigenous Knowledges and Languages at York University) |
Lindsay Macumber (February 2016) Judaism |
Understanding, Reconciliation, and Prevention: Rethinking Hannah Arendt’s Representation of the Holocaust as a Theodicy Supervisor: David Novak |
Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, St. Mary's University (was Instructor, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg) |
Jade Weimer (December 2015) Christianity |
Musical Assemblies: How Early Christian Music Functioned as a Rhetorical Topos, a Mechanism of Recruitment, and a Fundamental Marker of an Emerging Christian Identity Co-supervisors: John Kloppenborg & Collen Shantz |
Fellow at St. John’s College, University of Manitoba; Instructor, University of Prince Edward Island |
Amy Marie Fisher (September 2015) Early Christianity and Judaism |
Early Christianity and Judaism Celestial Topography: Mapping the Divine Realms in Antiquity Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Operations Lead, Health Data Coalition |
Amy Elizabeth Fisher (September 2015) Anthropology of Christianity |
'This Place Should (Not) Exist’: An Ethnography of Shelter Workers and the In-Between
Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Director, Social Mission Strategy and Support, The Salvation Army in Canada |
Sarah Kleeb (August 2015) Religion, Ethics and Modern Thought |
Gustavo Gutiérrez’s Notion of Liberation and the Legacy of Marx’s Ruthless Criticism Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Advanced Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto, Scarborough |
Usha Khosla (April 2015) Buddhist Studies |
Study of the Tathagatagarbha as True Self and the True Selves of the Brahmanic, Sāṅklorenhya and Jaina Traditions Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich |
passed away November 2022 |
Norman Tobias (April 2015) Judaism & Christianity |
Jules Isaac and the Roman Catholic Church: Advocate for Scriptural Truth Supervisor: David Novak |
Tobias Tax Professional Corporation |
Syed Adnan Hussain (April 2015) Islam and South Asian Studies |
Negotiating Pakistan: A Genealogy of a Post-colonial Islamic State Supervisor: Mohammad Fadel |
Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Saint Mary's University |
Callie Callon (October 2014) Christianity |
Physiognomy as a Strategy of Persuasion in Early Christian Discourse Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Research Officer, University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto (was: Adjunct Instructor, Religious Studies, Queen's University at Kingston and Toronto School of Theology) |
Erin Vearncombe (September 2014) Christianity |
What Would Jesus Wear? Dress in the Synoptic Gospels Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy, University of Toronto, Mississauga |
Ryan Stoner (September 2014) Judaism |
A Sacrifice of Time: Work, Worship and the Experience of Sabbath in Ancient Judaism Supervisor: Hindy Najman |
`Resident Physician, Mount Sinai Hospital |
David Kaden (September 2014) Christianity |
Law and Power: Matthew, Paul, and the Anthropology of Law Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Senior Minister, First Congregational Church of Ithaca, New York |
Matthew William King (June 2014) Buddhist Studies |
Writing True Places in the Twilight of Empire and the Dawn of Revolution: The Buddhist Historiography of the Mongol Zawa Damdin Luwsandamdin (1867-1937) Supervisor: Frances Garrett |
Professor, Religious Studies, University of California-Riverside |
Simon Appolloni (April 2014) Christianity |
Convergent Knowing: Explorations of a Sustained – and ‘Sustainable’ – Theological Reflection on Science, Environment and Liberation Supervisor: Stephen Scharper |
Assistant Professor, School of the Environment, University of Toronto, and Associate Publishing Director at Novalis Publishing |
Ronald Charles (February 2014) Christianity |
Paul and Diaspora Politics Supervisors: John Marshall and Terry Donaldson |
Associate Professor, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto |
Bryan Levman (January 2014) Buddhist Studies |
Linguistic Ambiguities, the Transmissional Process, and the Earliest Recoverable Language of Buddhism Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich |
Visiting Scholar, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto |
Shari Golberg (September 2013) Judaism and Islam |
When Beruriah Met Aisha: Textual Intersections and Interactions among Jewish and Muslim Women Engaged with Religious Law Supervisor: Robert Gibbs |
Assistant Director, Faith & Anti-Racism in the Institutional Equity Office, University of Toronto (was Team Lead, Ontario Provincial Government. Legislative and regulatory policy for skilled trades and apprenticeship; anti-racism/equity) |
Jodie Boyer (September 2013) Christianity |
Sin and Sanity in Nineteenth-Century America Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Pastor, Erb Street Mennonite Church; Adjunct Professor, North Park Theological Seminary |
Timothy Michael James Langille (September 2013) Judaism |
Reshaping the Persistent Past: A Study of Collective Trauma and Memory in Second Temple Judaism Supervisor: Hindy Najman |
Associate Teaching Professor, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Arizona State University |
Rick Kenneth Last (September 2013) Christianity |
Money, Meals and Honour: The Economic and Honorific Organization of the Corinthian Ekklesia Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Assistant Professor in the Ancient Greek and Roman Studies program at Trent University |
Smita Kothari (September 2013) Hinduism and South Asian Studies |
Dana and Dhyana in Jaina Yoga: A Case Study of Preksadhyana and the Terapanth Supervisors: Christoph Emmrich and Stephen Scharper |
Grants Coordinator at Center for Asian Research, Arizona State University |
Sarah Rollens (August 2013) Christianity |
Framing Social Criticism in the Jesus Movement: The Ideological Project in the Sayings Gospel Q Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Chair, Religious Studies, Rhodes College |
Alexander Green (July 2013) Judaism |
Luck, Beneficence and Conflict in the Ethics of Levi Gersonides Supervisor: David Novak |
Assistant Professor of Humanities, Hamilton Center, University of Florida (was Assistant Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Jewish Thought, University of Buffalo) |
Paul Nahme (June 2013) Judaism |
From Critical to Prophetic Idealism: Ethics, Law and Religion in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen Supervisor: David Novak |
Associate Professor, Religious Studies and Judaic Studies, Brown University |
John Lorenc (April 2013) Medieval Christianity |
John of Freiberg and the Usury Prohibition in the Late Middle Ages: A Study in the Popularization of Medieval Canon Law Supervisor: Joseph Goering |
Jenn Cianca (January 2013) Christianity |
Sacred Ritual, Profane Space: The Roman House as Early Christian Meeting Place Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Bishop's University |
Rebekka King (September 2012) Christianity |
The New Heretics: Popular Theology, Popular Christianity, and Protestant Language Ideologies Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Professor of Religion, Department of Philosophy, Middle Tennessee State University |
Edith Szanto (September 2012) Islam |
Following Sayyida Zaynab: Twelver Shi’ism in Contemporary Syria Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier |
Assistant Professor in Religious Studies at the University of Alabama |
Nicholas Dion (September 2012) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
Spacing Freud: Space in the Psychoanalytic Critique of Religion Supervisors: James DiCenso and Marsha Hewitt |
Associate Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives, Laurentian University (was Executive Director, Office of the Provost, Brock University) |
Ben Wood (August 2012) Buddhist Studies |
The Jeweled Fish Hook: Ecclesiastical Exemplarity in the Shalu Abbatial History Supervisor: Frances Garrett |
Teaching Faculty, Langara College, Vancouver BC |
Barbara Greenberg (June 2012) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
Kleinian Reparation: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Residential School Apology in Canada Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Call Centre Agent, Canada Revenue Agency (formerly:Research Assistant, University of Ottawa, for the Ontario Looking After Children Project) |
Eva Mroczek (May 2012) Judaism |
Psalms Unbound: Ancient Concepts of Textual Tradition in 11QPsalms and Related Texts Supervisor: Hindy Najman |
Simon and Riva Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Dalhousie University (was Associate Professor, Religious Studies, University of California-Davis) |
Jason McKinney (December 2011) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
On the Metapolitics of Decay: Walter Benjamin’s Will to Happiness Supervisor: James DiCenso |
Adjunct Professor, Toronto School of Theology Priest-Missioner to Parkdale, Anglican Diocese of Toronto |
Christina Reimer (October 2011) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
A Fountain Sealed: Virginity and the American Evangelical Family Supervisor: James DiCenso |
ACHIEVE Leadership Trainer |
Kathleen Gibbons (September 2011) Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity |
Vice and Self-Examination in the Christian Desert Supervisor: Robert Sinkewicz |
Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies and Classics at Washington University in St. Louis |
Keir Hammer (August 2011) Early Christianity |
Disambiguating Rebirth: A Socio-rhetorical Exploration of Rebirth Language in 1 Peter Supervisor: Peter Richardson |
Director, White Cross Canada, Taylor Seminary and College |
Fei Lan (April 2011) Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought |
Desire Viewed Through Ethical Optics: A Comparative Study of Dai Zehn and Levinas Supervisor: Vincent Tsing-song Shen |
Associate Professor of Religion, Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of Mississippi |
Mona Tokarek LaFosse (November 2010) Early Christianity |
Age Matters: Age, Aging and Intergenerational Relationships in Early Christian Communities, with a Focus on 1 Timothy 5 Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Assistant Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Studies, Emmanuel College |
Alexander Damm (March 2010) Gospels |
Ancient Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Instructor, Wilfrid Laurier University |
Karen Cheatham (February 2010) Medieval Christian History |
They Hasten toward Perfection: Virginal & Chaste Monks in the High Middle Ages Supervisor: Isabelle Cochelin |
Owner / Technical Writer and Marketing Writer, Nimble Ink in Bend, Oregon |
Maithili Thayanithy (March 2010) South Asian Studies |
The Concept of Living Liberation in the Tirumantiram Supervisor: Chelva Kanaganayakam |
Arlene Macdonald (June 2009) Lived Religion and the Body in North America |
Resurrected Bodies: Individual Experiences and Collective Expressions of Organ Transplant in North America Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Director, Medicine and Society, University of Houston (was Assistant Professor, Institute of Medical Humanities, University of Texas - Medical Branch) |
Lincoln Blumell (June 2009) Early Christianity |
Lettered Christians: Christians, Letters, & Late Antique Oxyrhynchus Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Professor, Department of Ancient Scripture, Brigham Young University |
Atif Khalil (May 2009) Islam |
Sufi Approaches to Tawba (‘Repentance’): From the Qur’an to Abu Talib alMakki Supervisor: Todd Lawson |
Faculty, Department of Religious Studies, University of Lethbridge |
Santiago Slabodsky (April 2009) Jewish Studies |
Emmanuel Levinas’ Barbarisms: Adventures of Talmudic Readings Traveling South Supervisor: Robert Gibbs |
Professor of Religion, Hofstra University |
Janna Rosales (April 2009) Religion, Ethics, and Critiques of Technology |
When the ‘Twilight of Justice’ Meets the Dawn of Nanotechnology: A Critique of Transhumanism and the Technological Imperative in the Light of George Grant’s Moral Philosophy Supervisor: Larry Schmidt |
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Jonathan Crane (April 2009) Jewish Studies |
Rhetoric of Modern Jewish Ethics Supervisors: Robert Gibbs and David Novak |
Raymond F. Schinzai Junior Scholar in Bioethics and Jewish Thought, Center for Ethics, Emory University |
Geraldine Fogarty (February 2009) Psychology of Religion |
Madness and Transformation in Early Irish Literature: A Psychoanalytic Perspective Supervisors: Ann Dooley and James DiCenso |
Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst |
Kerry Fast (November 2008) North American Religion |
“But what a strange commixture am I”: Borders of Self and Religion in the Making of Women’s Lives Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Professional editor, writer, researcher |
Ken Derry (November 2008) Religion and Literature |
Uncomfortable Mirrors: Religion and Mimetic Violence in Contemporary Canadian Native Literature Supervisor: Chelva Kanaganayakam |
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Historical Studies, University of Toronto - Mississauga |
Matthew LaGrone (July 2008) Modern Judaism and Christianity |
Between Fire and Ice: Studies in Jewish and Christian Centrism Supervisor: David Novak |
Associate Dean, Faculty of Health and Community Studies, and Associate Professor, Human Services and Early Learning, MacEwan University |
Siphiwe Dube (June 2008) Religion and Literature |
TRC of South Africa: A Dialectical Critique of its Core Concepts Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Lecturer and Head of Political Studies Department, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Associate Professor, Religion, Carleton University |
Aisha Geissinger (May 2008) Islamic Studies |
Gendering the Classical Tradition of Quran Exegesis Supervisor: Sebastain Guenther |
Associate Professor, Religion, Carleton University |
Andre Maintenay (May 2008) Religion, Ethics and Environment |
Green Ethics and Green “Faith”: An Exploration of Environmental Ethics and Spirituality in a Technological Age Supervisors: Larry Schmidt and Stephen Scharper |
Professor, Liberal Studies, Humber College, Toronto |
Laurel Zwissler (May 2008) North American Religion |
Demonstrations of Faith: Religious and Political Identity among Feminist Political Activists in North America Supervisor: Pamela Klassen |
Associate Professor of Religion, Central Michigan University |
Michael Ostling (January 2008) Early Modern Religion |
Imagining Witchcraft in Early Modern Poland (Governor General’s Gold Medal) Supervisor: Jonathan Pearl |
Faculty Member, Arizona State University (formerly: Honorary Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, the University of Queensland, Australia) |
Sarah King (November 2007) Religion and the Environment |
Contested Place: Religion and Values in the Dispute, Burnt Church/Esgenoôpetitj, New Brunswick Supervisor: Ingrid Stefanovic |
Analyst, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (formerly:Associate Professor, Liberal Studies Department, Grand Valley State University) |
Jeffrey Sims (June 2007) Philosophy of Religion |
Hermeneutics and the Reconstitution of Universal Memory Supervisor: Graeme Nicholson |
Instructor, Vanier College |
Elaine Myers (April 2007) Religion and Archaeology |
The Ituraeans: Challenging Misconceptions and Evaluating the Primary Sources Supervisor: Peter Richardson |
Passed away |
David Lawrence Penner (March 2007) Religion, Ethics and Modern Thought |
Christian Existence and Failure Supervisor: Graeme Nicholson |
Ruth Mas (September 2006) Islamic Religious Thought (Modern) |
Margins of Tawhid: Liberalism and the Discourse of Plurality in Contemporary Islam Supervisors: Charles Hirschkind and James DiCenso |
Associate Member, Centre for Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies (CCLPS), SOAS University of London |
Henry Shiu (December 2005) Buddhism |
The Nonduality of Nonconceptual Wisdom and Conceptual Cognition: A study of the Tathagatagarbha Teaching in the Anunatvapurnatvanirdesa-parivarta Supervisor: Leonard Priestley |
Shi Wu De Professor in Chinese Buddhist Studies at Emmanuel College, Toronto School of Theology |
William Wahl (December 2005) Philosophy of Religion |
Suffering Truth: Interpretation, Religion and Science in Nietzsche and Freud Supervisor: James DiCenso |
David Buyze (May 2005) Religion and Culture, Postcolonial Comparative Literatures |
The Aftertastes of Colonialism: Latin Americanism and Cultural Meaning Supervisor: Rosa Sarabia |
Lecturer, John Hopkins University; Associate Graduate Faculty, Texas Christian University Adjunct Faculty, University of Denver Adjunct Faculty, Manhattan College |
Aubrey Glazer (April 2005) Jewish Thought/Hebrew Hermeneutics |
Afterwords on (Re)birthing Redemption in Hebrew Hermeneutics Supervisor: Harry Fox |
Director of Panui; Senior Rabbi, Congregation Shaare Zion, Montreal |
Tanja Juric (November 2004) Philosophy of Religion |
The Ethics of Ethical Subjectivity: Ethics and Aesthetics in the work of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche and Theodor Adorno Supervisors: Graeme Nicholson and Amy Mullin-Cuthbert |
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science, York University |
Kenneth MacKendrick (October 2004) Philosophy of Religion |
Discourse, Desire and Fantasy: A Psychoanalytic and Philosophical Study of the Foundation of Jurgen Habermas’s Critical Social Theory Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Associate Professor, Department of Religion, University of Manitoba |
Zhonghu Yan (July 2004) Philosophy of Religion |
Self-Cultivation, Society and Metaphysics: an Existential Reading of the Analects Supervisor: Vincent Shen |
Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University (was Sessional Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto) |
David Perley (June 2004) Philosophy of Religion |
Articulation and Mysticism in the Thought of William James (1842 – 1910) Supervisor: Graeme Nicholson |
Sessional Lecturer, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto |
Mark Chapman (May 2004) Modern Canadian Religion & Society |
No Longer Crying in the Wilderness: Canadian Evangelical Organizations and their Networks Supervisor: John Simpson |
Associate Professor, Director of DMin Program, Tyndale Seminary |
Christopher Helland (April 2004) Sociology of Religion |
Religion on the Internet: A Sociological Inquiry into Participation and Community Online Supervisor: John Simpson |
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University |
Russell Martin (April 2004) Early Christianity |
Towards an Understanding of Local Autonomy in Judaea between 6 and 66 CE Supervisor: Peter Richardson |
Happily retired |
Albert Wuaku (January 2004) South Asian Religions & Africa |
Tapping into Hindu Powers: The Local Factor in Shiva and Krishna Worship in Ghana Supervisor: Martin Klein |
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, Department of Religious Studies, Florida International University |
Mark Leuchter (May 2003) Religion in Ancient Israel |
Jeremiah, the First Jew Supervisor: Brian Peckham |
Professor, Director of Jewish Studies, Department of Religion, Temple University |
Elizabeth Davies-Stofka (April 2003) Religion and Ethics |
Toward a jus in bello of Guerilla Warfare: A Case Study in Comparative Ethics Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson |
Peter Gilbert (March 2003) Modern Christian-Jewish Relations |
The Analysis of Antisemitism in the Theological, Historical and Sociological Criticism of James Parkes Supervisor: Alan Davies |
passed away May 2015 |
Adam Lehto (December 2002) Early Eastern Christianity |
Divine Law, Asceticism and Gender in Aphrahat’s Demonstrations, with a Complete Annotated Translation of the Text and Comprehensive Syriac Glossary Supervisor: Harry Fox |
(formerly: Sessional Instructor, Department of Historical Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga) |
Gillian McCann (December 2002) South Asian Religions |
A New Dharma for the Nation: The Toronto Theosophical Society and Albert Smythe 1891-1945 Supervisor: Naranda Wagle |
Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts & science, Nipissing University |
John David Scully (September 2002) Sociology of Religion |
Consent and Dissent on Evangelical Talk Radio Supervisor: John Simpson |
Professor, Algonquin College (Ottawa) |
Eleanor Pontoriero (February 2002) Psychology and Philosophy of Religion |
On “Loving the Neighbour”: The Implications of Emmanuel Levinas’ Intensification of Ethics after the Shoah Supervisors: James DiCenso and Robert Gibbs |
Sessional Lecturer, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto |
Anthony Chartrande-Burke (September 2001) Early Christianity |
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: The Text, Its Origins, and Its Transmission Supervisors: Robert Sinkewicz and Leif Vaage |
Professor, Department of the Humanities, York University |
Paulino Belamide (August 2001) Chinese Religions |
Self-Cultivation in Quanzhen Taoism with Special Reference to the Legacy of Qiu Chuji Supervisor: Julia Ching |
Principal, Saint Jude Catholic School in the Phillipnes (formerly: Priest, San Sebastian Parish, Phillipines) |
Amir Hussain (June 2001) Modern Islamic Religion |
The Canadian Face of Islam: Muslim Communities in Toronto Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby |
Professor, Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University |
Dana Sawchuk (April 2001) Sociology of Religion, Christianity in Latin America |
The Costa Rican Catholic Church, Social Justice, and the Rights of Workers, 1979-1996 Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Professor, Department of Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier University |
Catherine Ludvik (January 2001) South and East Asian Religions |
From Sarasvati to Benzaiten (Governor General’s Gold Medal) Supervisor: David Waterhouse |
Doshisha University and Kyoto Sangyo University (was Professor, Stanford University) |
Catherine Caufield (March 2000) Religion, Hermeneutics, and Literature |
Hermeneutics of Written Text: Religious Discourse in Mexican Literature Supervisor: Mario Valdes |
Religious Studies, University of Alberta |
Keith Haartman (December 1999) Psychoanalysis and Religion |
Watching and Praying: A Psychoanalytic View of Personality Change, 18th Century British Methodists Supervisor: Morris Eagle |
Psychotherapist |
Tim Hegedus (December 1999) Early Christianity |
Graeco-Roman Religions Attitudes to Astrology in Early Christianity: A Study Based on Selected Sources Supervisor: Roger Beck |
Professor, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Wilfrid Laurier University |
Michele Murray (December 1999) Early Christianity and Judaism |
“Playing a Jewish Game:” Gentile Christian Judaizing in the First and Second Centuries CE Supervisor: Peter Richardson |
Professor, Bishop's University |
Tak-Ling Terry Woo (December 1999) Women in Chinese Religions |
The Religious Values, Beliefs and Practices affecting the Lives of Women during the Reign of T’ang Ming-Huang Supervisor: Richard Guisso |
Retired (was Faculty, York University)
Phil Harland (July 1999) Early Christianity |
Claiming a Place in Polis and Empire: The Significance of Imperial Cults and Connections among Associations, Synagogues, and Christian Groups in Roman Asia Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Professor, Department of the Humanities, York University |
James Diamond (June 1999) Medieval Jewish Philosophy |
Prooftext and Pretext: The Strategem of Biblical and Midrashic Citations in Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed Supervisor: David Novak |
Professor, Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Chair of Jewish Studies, University of Waterloo |
Husein Khimjee (April 1999) Islamic Religion |
The Legacy of the Early Twentieth-Century Khilafat Movement in India Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby |
Instructor, Laurier University |
Bruce Power (April 1999) Ancient West Asian Religions |
Ancient Israel Iconographic Windows to Ezekiel’s World Supervisor: Brian Peckham |
Instructor, Tyndale University College |
Scott Brown (February 1999) Early Christianity |
The More Spiritual Gospel: Markan Literary Techniques in the Longer Gospel of Mark Supervisor: Leif E. Vaage |
Independent Scholar |
Helen-May Eaton (August 1998) Religion and Women |
Latin American Christianity Speaking of Liberation: The Emancipatory Limits of Gustavo Gutierrez’s Liberation Theology for Latin American Women Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Darlene Juschka (June 1998) Phenomenology of Religion, Religion and Feminism |
Feminist Encounters with Symbol, Myth, and Ritual: Mary Daly, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, and Rosemary Radford Reuther Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson |
Retired (was Associate Professor, Religious Studies, University of Regina) |
Becky R. Lee (June 1998) Late Medieval European Popular Religion |
“Women ben purifyid of her childeryn”: The Purification of Women After Childbirth in Medieval England (Nominated, Governor General’s Gold Medal) Supervisor: Joseph Goering |
Professor Emerita, York University |
Ronald Polster (June 1998) Philosophy of Religion |
Evil and the Biblical Discourse of Lament Supervisor: Paul Gooch |
Executive Director, Holy Blossom Temple |
Thomas Vettickal (January 1998) South Asian Religions |
Sarvodaya of Mahatma Gandhi: Realistic Utopia Supervisor: Joseph O’Connell |
William Arnal (October 1997) Early Christianity |
The Rhetoric of Deracination in Q: A Reassessment (Governor General’s Gold Medal) Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Professor and Department Head, Religious Studies, University of Regina |
Bernadette McNary-Zak (September 1997) Christianity in Late Antiquity |
Ascetic Piety in Fourth Century Egypt: A Study of the Ascetical Letters of Bishops Supervisor: Timothy Barnes |
Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Rhodes College |
Bruce MacKay (February 1997) Religion of Ancient Israel |
Ethnicity and Israelite Religion: The Anthropology of Social Boundaries in Judges Supervisors: Ernest Clarke and Shuichi Nagata |
Faculty, School of Liberal Education, University of Lethbridge |
William Smyth (January 1997) Religion and Literature |
Rudy Wiebe as Novelist: Witness and Critic, Without Apology Supervisor: Charles Lock |
Cheryl Nafziger-Leis (December 1996). (Now known as Cameron Altaras.) Religion and Aesthetics |
Art … Even After Auschwitz: Adorno’s Critical Theory of Art, Religion and Ideology Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Retired, Writer |
Herbert Berg (October 1996) Islamic Religion |
The Use of Ibn ‘Abbas in Al-Tabari’s Tafsir and the Development of Exegesis in Early Islam Supervisor: Jane McAuliffe |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Rhodes College (was Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of North Carolina-Wilmington) |
Christopher Buck (June 1996) Comparative Religion |
Paradise and Paradigm: Key Symbols in ‘Persian’ Christianity and the Baha’i Faith Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby |
Attorney & Independent Scholar |
Alan Kirk (June 1996) Early Christianity |
The Structure of Q: Genre, Synchrony, and Sapiental Composition in the Synoptic Sayings Source Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Philosophy and Religion, James Madison University |
Young-Sik Yoo (February 1996) Christianity in East Asia |
The Impact of Canadian Missionaries in Korea: A Historical Survey of Early Canadian Mission Work, 1999-1898 Supervisor: Richard Guisso |
Alexander Marusich (January 1996) Sociology of Religion |
Religious Conversion: A Biogenetic Structuralist Model Supervisor: Michael Hammond |
Simon Young-Suk Moon (January 1996) Comparative Study of Religion |
A Case Study in Comparative Monasticism: Songgwang-Sa Son/Zen Buddhist Monastery, Korea and the Abbey of the Genesee, Cistercian Monastery, USA Supervisor: Peter Slater |
Professor Emeritus, Kangnam University |
Philip Smith-Eivemark (January 1996) Philosophy of Religion and Mysticism |
Beyond Language: Mystics and the Language Trap Supervisor: David Turner |
English Language Instructor, Copyeditor |
Renia Tyminski (December 1995) Religion and Feminist Theory |
Divinity, Transcendence and Female Subjectivity in the Works of Mary Daly Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt |
Language Training Director, Hallowell Gardens |
Jill J. Anderson (May 1995) Celtic Religion |
A History of Women in the Early Irish Church: The Hagiographical Evidence Supervisor: Harry Roe |
Russell McCutcheon (January 1995) Method and Theory of Religion |
Manufacturing Religion: The Discourse on Sui Generis Religion and the Politics of Nostalgia Supervisor: Neil McMullin |
University Research Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of Alabama |
A. Ellen Goldberg (December 1994) South Asian Religions |
Ardhanarisvara: An Indian and Feminist Perspective Supervisor: Narendra Wagle |
Retired Associate Professor of Religions of South Asia, Queen's University |
Debra J. Jensen (December 1994) Religion and Social Ethics |
Mysticism and Social Ethics: Feminist Reflections on Their Relationship in the Works of Evelyn Underhill, Simone Weil and Meister Eckhart Supervisor: Donald D. Evans |
Jinfen Yan (December 1994) Chinese Religions |
Utilitarianism in Chinese Thought Supervisor: Julia Ching |
Barbara J. Whitmer (October 1994) Religion and Ethics |
Beyond the Violence Mythos to the Interactive Organism: Remythologizing Violence, the Body, Trust, and Technology in Western Culture Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson |
Information Technology Field |
Ann Baranowski (June 1994) Religion and Cognition |
Ritual Alone: Cognition and Meaning of Patterns in Time Supervisor: Donald Wiebe |
Instructor, Laurier University; Psychoanalyst |
Ronald Wallace (June 1994) Modern Western Christianity |
Inter-Faith Dialogue as a Method for the Scientific Study of Religion Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby |
Daniel McBride (April 1994) Ancient Egyptian Religions |
The Egyptian Foundations of Gnostic Thought Supervisor: D. B. Redford |
Stephanie K. Walker (May 1993) Religion and Literature |
This Woman in Particular: Contexts for the Biographical Image of Emily Carr Supervisor: Johan Aitken |
author |
Willi Braun (January 1993) Early Christianity |
The Use of Mediterranean Banquet Traditions In Luke 14:1-24 Supervisor: John Kloppenborg |
Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Classica, and Religion, University of Alberta |
Wayne H. Harter (January 1993) Philosophy of Religion |
Thomistic Ontology as Critical Enquiry into Religion Supervisor: Neil McMullin |
Faculty, St. Mary's College of California |
Reena L. Zeidman (June 1992) Early Judaism |
A View of Celebrations in Early Judaism: Tosefta Avodah Zarah [Idolatry] Supervisor: Harry Fox |
Arthur McCalla (April 1992) Modern Western Christianity |
Expiation and Progress: Religion and Society in the Thought of Pierre-Simon Ballanche(Nominated, Governor General’s Gold Medal) Supervisor: C. Thomas McIntire |
Faculty, Mount St. Vincent University |
Pashaura Singh (September 1991) South Asian Religions |
The Text and Meaning of the Adi Granth Supervisor: W. H. McLeod |
Professor & Dr. Jasbir Singh Saini Endowed Chair, University of California - Riverside |
Barry W. Henaut (March 1991) Early Christianity |
Oral Tradition Behind the Written Gospel Texts? Mark 4: 1-34 and the Problem of Orality Supervisor: H. O. Guenther |
Author |
Roman Garrison (December 1990) Early Christianity |
Redemptive Almsgiving in Early Christianity Supervisor: Peter Richardson |
Ordained in the PCUSA and has served many churches as Minister; Taught religion courses at Westminister College, Buena Vista University and Thiel College |
Edward Yong-Joong Chung (November 1990) East Asian Religions |
Neo-Confucian Understanding of Human Nature and Emotions: A Study of the Four-Seven Thesis in Two Korean Thinkers: Yi T’oegye and Yi Yulgok Supervisor: Julia Ching |
Professor, Religious Studies, University of Prince Edward Island |
Daniel H. Williams (November 1990) Early Christianity |
Nicene Christianity and its Opponents in Northern Italy: An Examination of Late 4th Century Anti-Arian Polemics and Politics with Particular Emphasis on the Early Career of Ambrose of Milan Supervisors: Timothy Barnes and Joanne McWilliam |
Academic Researcher, China Academic Consortium, Berkeley, CA; Distinguished Senior Fellow, Institute for the Renewal of Christian Catechesis |
Joseph P. L’Abbé (October 1990) Modern Western Christianity |
Catholic Critics on Religious Art in France 1870-1920 Supervisor: Giorgio Scavizzi |
Lee D. Rainey (October 1990) Chinese Religions |
Life After Death: Some Early Confucian Views Supervisor: Julia Ching |
Passed Away (was Professor, Memorial University) |
Kelley M. Spoerl (September 1990) Early Christianity |
A Study of the Kata Meros Pistis by Apollinarius of Laodicea Supervisor: Robert Sinkewicz |
Retired (was Professor, Saint Anselm College) |
Michael Farris (May 1990) Early Christianity |
The Formative Interpretations of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel Supervisor: Stanley D. Walters |
Retired (was Director of Learning Technologies at Red River College) |
Michael F. Stoeber (June 1990) Philosophy of Religion |
Evil and the Mystics’ God: Towards a Mystical Theodicy Supervisor: Donald D. Evans |
Professor of Theology & Director of Advanced Degrees, Regis College |
John B. Roney (September 1989) Modern Western Christianity |
Jean Henri Merle D’Aubigné: Historian of Christianity in an Age of Revolution Supervisor: C. Thomas McIntire |
Professor, Sacred Heart University |
Douglas A. Campbell (November 1989) Early Christianity |
The Rhetoric of Righteousness: An Analysis of Rom. 3:21-26 in Context Supervisor: Richard N. Longenecker |
Professor of New Testamnents, Duke Divinity School |
John Valk (October 1989) Modern Western Christianity |
Religion and the Schools: The Struggle for Protestant Christian Education in Utrecht in the Nineteenth Century Supervisor: C. Thomas McIntire |
Visiting Professor, Protestant University Darmstadt (Germany) (was Professor, University of New Brunswick) |
James McLachlan (January 1989) Philosophy of Religion |
Existentialist Interpretations of the Desire to be God: Radical Freedom in Sartre and Berdyaev Supervisor: Donald D. Evans |
Professor, Western Carolina University |
Michael Cuneo (June 1988) Modern Western Christianity |
Catholics Against the Church: Anti-Abortion Protest in Toronto, 1969-1985 Supervisor: Roger O’Toole |
Author; Professor (Retired), Sociology and Anthropology, Fordham University |
Peter D. Gooch (June 1988) Early Christianity |
Food and the Limits of Community: 1 Corinthians 8:1 to 11:1 Supervisor: Peter Richardson |
Senior Director of Policy and Analysis, Council of Ontario Universities |
Randi R. Warne (April 1988) Religion and Culture |
Literature as Pulpit: Narrative as a Vehicle for the Transmission and Transformation of Values in the Christian Social Activism of Nellie McClung Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson |
Professor, Religious Studies; Coordinator, Cultural Studies Program & Women and Gender Studies Program, Mount Saint Vincent University |
Antonio Perez-Romero (February 1988) Early Modern Western Christianity |
Juan De Valdes and Sixteenth-Century Spanish Religious Thought as Expressed in the Religious Literature in Castilian Supervisor: J. I. Chicoy-Daban |
Associate Professor, Spanish, John Carroll University |
Michel Desjardins (June 1987) Christianity in Late Antiquity |
Sin in Valentinianism Supervisor: Heinze Guenther |
Professor Emeritus, Wilfrid Laurier University |
P. Lyndon Reynolds (November 1986) Medieval Western Christianity |
God, Cosmos and Microcosm: Comparisons Between the Relation of God to the Cosmos and the Relation of the Soul to Man, From Greek Philosophy to the Thirteenth Century Supervisor: Walter Principe |
Professor, Emory University |
Alan Kam-Leung Chan (December 1985) Chinese Religions |
Two Visions of the Way: A Study of Wang Pi’s and Ho-Shang Kung’s Commentaries on the Lao-Tzu Supervisor: Julia Ching |
Provost, and J.S. Lee Professor of Chinese Culture, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (was Researcher & University Administrator, University of Winnipeg) |
Ronald G. Sawatsky (December 1985) Modern Western Christianity |
“Looking For That Blessed Hope”: The Roots of Fundamentalism in Canada, 1878-1914 Supervisor: John S. Moir |
Passed Away |
Steven M. Wasserstrom (October 1985) Islamic Religion |
Species of Misbelief: A History of Muslim Heresiography of the Jews Supervisor: G. M. Wickens |
Moe and Izetta Tonkon Professor of Judaic Studies and Humanities, Department of Religion, Reed College |
Jane D. McAuliffe (October 1984) Islamic Religion |
Perceptions of the Christians in Qur’anic Tafsir Supervisor: G. M. Wickens |
Senior Advisor to the Librarian of Congress Distinguished Senior Research Fellow, Georgetown University (formerly: Director of National and International Outreach at the Library of Congress, Director of The John W. Kluge Center, President of Bryn Mawr College, and Dean of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown University |
Marilyn F. Nefsky (September 1984) Japanese Religions |
Women and the Religious Character of Contemporary Japan Supervisor: Cyril Powles |
(was Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Religion. University of Lethbridge) |
Donald Merriell (January 1984) Medieval Western Christianity |
The Image of the Trinity in Man According to St.Thomas Aquinas Supervisor: Walter Principe |
Herbert Basser (June 1983) Early Judaism |
Sifre Ha’azinu: Rabbinic Interpretations of the Song of Moses Supervisor: L. H. Silberman |
Professor Emeritus, Queen's University |
James K. Hoffmeier (October 1982) Ancient Egyptian Religions |
‘Sacred’ in the Vocabulary of Ancient Egypt: The Term DSR, with Special Reference to Dynasties I-XX Supervisor: R. J. Williams |
Professor Emeritus, Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern History and Archaeology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School |