Śivadharmottara Workshop - "Tales of Divine Dismay"

When and Where

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
JHB 317
Jackman Humanities Building
170 St George Street, Toronto ON M5R 2M8


The workshop will involve a reading of the Sanskrit text and commentaries on the Śivadharmottara, followed by the same verses from the Tamil text and the related materials from the Taṇikai Purāṇam.

Śivadharmottara/Civatarumōttaram chapter 8

To register, contact Srilata Raman: s.raman@utoronto.ca

→ Workshop Day 2

→ Workshop Day 3 (Lecture)


Department for the Study of Religion, The Sivadharma Project, European Research Council


170 St George Street, Toronto ON M5R 2M8
